Lobelia- The
“Intelligent Herb”
Lobelia- The “Intelligent Herb”
Some call Lobelia the “Intelligent Herb” because it seems to do whatever is necessary to promote healing in the body.
This flowering perennial garden plant has a long history of use as an herbal remedy for respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and cough. Native Americans smoked Lobelia as a treatment for asthma.
When applied to the skin Lobeliahas been found useful in the treatment of muscle pain, joint lumps associated with rheumatoid arthritis, bruises, sprains, insect bites, ringworm and even poison ivy.
Many holistic practitioners utilize this amazing herb as an alternative to costly pharmaceutical solutions because of the decreased risk of long term damage and side effects that accompany non-natural remedies.
For several years Body by Shae has been committed to providing all natural solutions to pain management by utilizing flowers and herbs that grow in the garden.
Body by Shae Pain Relief Salve utilizes Lobelia and other healing herbs such and Comfrey, St. Johns Wort, Peppermint Leaf and Arnicajust to name a few to effectively treat ailments such as tendonitis, bursitis, muscle spasm, restless leg syndrome, itchy skin, minor burns, cuts & scrapes, bruises, nerve pain, disk pain , TMJ, congested breathing and more.
Lobelia’s healing effects seem endless… because it truly is the “Intelligent Herb”.
Fun facts about Lobelia:
There are about 400 different species, but the most popular are the cardinal flower, indian tobacco and the brook lobelia.
Colors range from shades of red and pink to blue, purple, yellow and white.
Several species of Lobelia are used for medicinal purposes.
The flowers of L. inflata were smoked by Native Americans to help ease symptoms of asthma, which is the origin of the name Indian tobacco.
Here are some other beneficial herbs.
Comfrey helps to stimulate cell growth and repair while simultaneously depressing inflammation.
St. Johns Wort helps to alleviate nerve pain, sciatica, muscle pain, skin conditions and migraine headaches.
Peppermint Leaf aids in the healing of mild respiratory conditions, nerve pain, joint conditions and rash.
Arnica helps to increase circulation which aids in healing of bruises, reduces pain and inflammation.
Visit www.bodybyshae.com for additional information on how Lobelia can help you.