SugaringThe 5 Ws for the sweetest option on the market
Sugaring is a natural process of hair removal and it’s A LOT sweeter than waxing. Haven’t heard of it? Although Sugaring has gained a lot of recent attention with the organic movement, sugaring is the most ancient and gentle technique in the hair removal game.
How ancient?
Hair removal is a tale as old as time. Did you know that in the 16th century, Turkish women often went into special rooms at public baths to get rid of unwanted hair? These special rooms still exist at the public baths and hammams.
In ancient Egypt, having smooth (and hair free) skin was a measure of beauty. Kings wanted and requested women clean and smooth. The British Museum’s Department of Egyptology displays copper and bronze razors and tweezers from as far back as 1900 BC. Sugaring to remove unwanted hair was used throughout Northern Africa, the Middle East, and Greece as well. History tells us that honey was the base of the formula.
WHO? Anyone who has unwanted hair.
WHAT? Sugaring is a natural form of hair removal – an alternative to waxing or lasers. During this natural and organic method of hair removal, a sugaring substance adheres to the follicl and removes the hair without attaching to the skin—making sugaring less painful than waxing! The sugaring substance is a paste made from sugar, lemon, and water.
The sugar paste is spread over the area and lifts the unwanted hair from the follicle as it is flicked/rolled off the skin. Using one’s hands, an aesthetician smooths the paste onto the skin in the opposite direction of a client’s hair growth. By applying it to the skin in the opposite direction of the hair growth, we're allowing the sugar to absorb in the follicle and coat the hair—making extraction of the hair more efficient and less painful. Additionally, by molding the sugar into the hair follicle, it also helps improve the tone and texture of the skin. Then, the paste is flicked off in the direction of the hair growth (which prevents breakage—allowing the hair to pull out, rather than break at the surface as is the case with wax). No paper strips or any “utensils” are used.
WHERE? Any part of your body with unwanted hair. How much hair must one have? Body By Shae recommends an 1/8 inch of unwanted hair—roughly the size of a grain of rice. (Shorter than what is recommended for waxing.)
WHEN? How often should you sugar? Body By Shaerecommends every four weeks for optimum lasting results. Since the human body has three cycles of hair growth, we have seen more permanency of stunted growth in clients who sugar every four weeks.
The main stages of hair growth are anagen, catagen, and telogen. (Was that English?!) The anagen phase is the active growth phase. Removing hair during this stage removes the ‘food source’ and helps collapse the follicle wall--leading to permanency. Sugaring every four weeks will ensure that you are removing hair in the anagen phase.
What happens if you remove hair during later phases of hair growth? When hair is removed during the catagen or telogenphase, there is usually another hair already forming within the follicle. This results in regrowth more quickly than had the hair been removed during the anagen phase and is less likely to lead to permanency.
Body By Shae finds that most clients see a reduction in hair regrowth and finer hair after just 3-4 treatments!
WHY? Put on your body, what you would put into it! Although our inner culinary minds wouldn’t recommend it, the sugaring paste is safe enough to eat! Sugaring is organic and natural. WHY is this better for you than waxing?
- More sanitary. The aesthetician uses a single ball of paste. No dipping!
- Better for your skin.
- Less aggressive and painful because it doesn’t stick to the skin.
- Waxing sticks to the skin, causing a higher risk of ripping, burning, and hyperpigmentation.
- The paste never hardens.
- Less likely to cause redness and irritation.
- Hair grows back slower and softer.
- No chemicals.
- No coloring.
- No fragrance.
- Hypoallergenic- great for sensitive skin.
- Price is similar to that of waxing.
- You won’t leave the spa feeling sticky.
- Sugaring takes less time. Large amounts of hair can be removed at once—no use of strips.
Now lastly, let’s address the elephant in the room--- the ouch factor. Pain tolerance is personal, but most clients’ experience is less painful than waxing. So say goodbye to your shaving, depilatory creams, and waxing,—and welcome something sweet!
"Sugaring: An Ancient Method of Hair Removal". Dermatologic Surgery. 27 (3): 309–311
"Sugaring vs waxing". Retrieved 11 April 2009.
“What The Heck Is Sugaring, And Is The Hair Removal Treatment Better Than Waxing?” 1 July 2015.