Take Comfort in Your Own Skin
In a world driven by social media, endless commercials and
24-hour marketing, finding the right facial products to work for you can be
overbearing and confusing. Many of us
ask friends for their advice; we watch the red carpet to see what the stars are
doing; we spend money on products that promise results that we know we will
never actually see… only to be disappointed and confused when they don’t work.
Everyone has unique
skin care needs so how are we supposed to find the right product for us?
The first thing to remember is that just because an actor or
actress is a “spokesperson” for a product line, it doesn’t mean that the
results they claim are the results you will see. These folks are paid to embellish the desired
results and many times imperfections are airbrushed out.
The concept of “Cosmacuetical”
products (the combination of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals) is growing in
popularity. Consumers are becoming more
aware of the benefits of purposeful skincare and the lack of these benefits in
the products purchased over the counter.
These cosmacuetical offerings can be found on infomercials, on
Groupon, on Living Social, etc. and can be very effective… for the right skin
type. However, just because a product
claims to be anti-aging, or an acne treatment, or promises a youthful glow- even if these products work for your
neighbor- it doesn’t mean they will necessarily work for your individual
skin type.

At Body by Shae, we specialize in finding the right skincare
prescription to meet your individual needs.
Every person has a different skincare requirement and each of us is
looking for very individual results; therefore each recommendation is different
and unique based on those needs and desires.
There is no such thing as a “one-stop shop” when it comes to
maximizing effective facial products or believing there is one mega product that will give you maximum results. Body by Shae completes a professional and thorough evaluation of your
skin composition, your lifestyle influences and your diet before composing a
script that will work best for you.
Leave behind the hottest trends and gimmicks….Take Comfort in Your Own Skin and
contact Body by Shae today for a licensed and professional skin care analysis.
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